For Mature 💝⛲☀Christians only

Proverbs 4:23 says, Guard your Heart with all diligence, for from it, flows the springs & issues of this life… You can’t give out, what you do not have… & you don’t want to give your Goodness out to everybody, there’s only so much!

One of the first lessons that God teaches us to do, is to learn the knowledge on how to take care of yourself, & how to protect yourself, so you can survive.

This Good rule of thumb to know, for your body & life, also applies to your Heart. In being a Mature Christian, its sometimes hard to figure out where to draw the line. Do we keep our Hearts on, & endure every blow that comes at us? Do we allow our family, friends & strangers to manipulate us into a place of suffering?

This is what most of us do, we internalize it & other people’s moods & situations jump on us, & rob us of our Peace, Joy, laughter, & our good days. This is not God’s Will.

How we guard our bodies, is not how we guard our Hearts. Your arms blocking an emotion, that is arising, will absolutely do nothing. But… We do however have to learn how to Manage our feelings, by exercising & flexing this wonderful muscle, that gives us so much.

These are some simple steps to help you on your way.

1) Keep everything outside of you. Only allow the Good stuff, that you want & need to permeate. 2) understand that hurting people hurt, miserable people try to make others miserable, angry, frustrated people, fight & argue. 3) If people knew better, they would do better. 4) You can’t solve the World’s & everyone’s problems. Only God can.

We who are Saved, should not be leading ourselves without one-(a Good, Healthy Heart), 💝 or trying to help others, without one. Take a look at most of the government’s here & around the World… They lead their people horribly, because there is not love, or caring being given, no Heart in it, just the basics. Terrible leadership! A life devoid of Love, Peace, & Laughter, & Goodness, is a life not meant for us… Or even others.

Using this Knowledge, for the inevitable storms of life, will ultimately, help you to exercise this muscle, & help you to strengthen it. You need both, a soft fleshy Heart, that has some hardened/toughened parts as well? YES, There is a Balance to All things. 🕊

Yes we need to keep our Hearts compassionate, loving, & kind, but we also need to have Strength, discipline, & smarts, in them too.

Keep fighting the Good fight, & remember to keep God & you first, ( in this regard ), & you will be able to weather them, & go through them much better, & a lot quicker… Beautifully. ⚡😊

May God Bless you with inner Strength, & an Abundance of Love. Standing Soft but Firm. 😊 🌺🌿🌸🌺🌿🌸🌺🌿🌸🌺 💝MUCH LOVE💝

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